Words from the Author

On “BERESHIT BARA”- In a personal tone

We can assume that there many houses around the world with a Bible.Yet How many homes open up the book of all books and read it with their children? One of the major reasons for distancing ourselves from the Bible  arises from the growing gap between the everyday language and the language of the Bible. The Initiative “BERESHIT BARA” was set out with the desire to bring children and adults from all sectors of the society, closer to The Bible, in its original language. As someone who for many years is open to listening to young children and writes for them, I am amazed by the ability of youngsters to acquire language, even a few languages at the same time. The language of the Bible can be acquired like any other language, if children are exposed to it in the proper way and at the right time.

Words from the Author

Without our paying attention to it, Children from the youngest of ages invest great and relentless efforts to acquire reading skills as well! Who hasn’t experienced the scene where a one year old sits with a book on his knees, murmuring. If he could answer the question, ”What are you doing?” He would definitely exclaim proudly, “I  am reading!”. Children aspire to acquire language, exactly in the same way that they acquire speech, on their own, in their own time, at the pace that suits them. That is the reason that from infancy until the beginning grades, they are attracted especially to books with less words, and with clear and supportive illustrations. With these types of books, they are guaranteed success in “reading”, long before they learn the letters of the alphabet.

With “BERESHIT BARA” initiative, I looked for a way to introduce and aid children, who are at the most suitable age, to acquire proficiency in the Bible language. I seek to make Bible stories and the language of the Bible a natural part of childhood.

AWords from the Author

Why is the story that opens the Bible so right for the young child? In the story of the Creation of the World, just like in the life of a child that is learning the world. Space is created, time is created, man is created, language is created, culture is created, that is why it is such a meaningful story for young children and it soothes their heart.

In the book BERESHIT BARA I offer children from the youngest of ages, a unique literary experience that will allow them to be partners in creation and partners in reading. The fact that at young ages, children and parents read the same books, strengthened my belief in this direction, that demands cooperation between child and adult. Our sources have already provided an enlightened educational approach whose expression is found in the Bible summed up in the phrase - “Educate the child according to his ways” I seek to apply this ancient, and innovative approach, and in this spirit to bring children and parents closer to the Book of Books. The preparation for the book Genesis Creates has  taken more than twenty years. Amazing people have joined me along the way. With their help the blessing has manifested, Their names are on the preface and acknowledgements are at the end of the book.

Rabbi from Rozin once said:
This is the work of the man all his life, to transform material into form, to refine the body and to bring the light into the darkness, until the darkness itself will light up, and there will no longer be any division between light and dark. Like it is written: “There was Night, there was morning- One day.” 
Taken from Martin Buber- The Hidden Light

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